State of Michigan Hemp License
We are both a licensed industrial hemp grower and processor-handler in the state of Michigan. It’s important to do business with a licensed farm so that buyers can remain…
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We are both a licensed industrial hemp grower and processor-handler in the state of Michigan. It’s important to do business with a licensed farm so that buyers can remain…
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Our farm was MAEAP verified in 2019. The Michigan Agriculture Environmental Assurance Program helps farms minimize and prevent agricultural pollution risks…
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Delivering a great product starts with telling your customers what’s in it. After careful consideration, we selected Botanacor Lab for our delta 9 and CBD…
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Our farm is protected through the Grand Traverse Land Conservancy, a non-profit organization that covers Grand Traverse, Antrim, Benzie, Manistee and Kalkaska…
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Our farm was MAEAP verified in 2019. The Michigan Agriculture Environmental Assurance Program helps farms minimize and prevent agricultural pollution risks. They review possible risks such as fuel, pesticide, chemical storage and any wells on the land. We are proud of this certification as it speaks to the purity of our industrial hemp product and growing process.
To become verified, MAEAP sends a technician to the farm to assess current risks and discuss action steps for the farm to properly limit or remove runoff risks and reduce erosion. Once the changes are made, they reassess the farm to ensure compliance.
We are both a licensed industrial hemp grower and processor-handler in the state of Michigan. It’s important to do business with a licensed farm so that buyers can remain compliant with the law. The Michigan Department of Agricultural and Rural Development has two licenses for farmers who want to plant hemp.
See invidivual product pages to see the lab reports for each strain individually. Delivering a great product starts with telling your customers what’s in it. After careful consideration, we selected Botanacor Lab for our delta 9 and CBD concentration testing. Botanacor is nationally renowned for their GLP (Good Laboratory Practices) and cGMP (current Good Manufacturing Practices). In addition, they are ISO/IEC 17025 accredited by the American Association of Lab Accreditation (A2LA).
That accreditation covers:
Our farm is protected through the Grand Traverse Land Conservancy, a non-profit organization that covers Grand Traverse, Antrim, Benzie, Manistee and Kalkaska county. The Grand Traverse Land Conservancy strives to conserve and protect crucial wildlife habitat and corridors; critical watersheds, which protect the water quality of our region; unique high-quality farm lands; valuable forestland; and ecologically significant dunes along Lake Michigan’s beautiful and endangered shore.
We want to keep the area we live both beautiful and in its natural state for years to come. Thanks to the Grand Traverse Land Conservancy, our region remains pristine and minimally developed allowing for clean, consistent growing conditions across our lands.